Toyota Corolla Cross Owners & Service Manuals

Toyota Corolla Cross: Utility



  • With "All Readiness", you can check whether or not the DTC judgment has been completed by using the GTS
  • You should check "All Readiness" after simulating malfunction symptoms or for validation after finishing repairs.


(a) Clear the DTCs even if no DTCs are stored.

Body Electrical > Clearance Warning > Clear DTCs

(b) Turn the ignition switch off and wait for 2 minutes or more.

(c) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(d) Perform the DTC judgment driving pattern to run the DTC judgment.

(e) Enter the following menus:

Body Electrical > Clearance Warning > Utility

Tester Display

All Readiness

(f) Input the DTCs to be confirmed.

(g) Check the DTC judgment result.

GTS Display


If the judgment result shows Incomplete, perform the DTC confirmation driving pattern again.


  • DTC judgment completed
  • System normal


  • DTC judgment completed
  • System abnormal


  • DTC judgment not completed
  • Perform the driving pattern

(h) Turn the ignition switch off.


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