Toyota Corolla Cross Owners & Service Manuals




(a) Check the vehicle control history (RoB).

Powertrain > Hybrid Control > Utility

Tester Display

Vehicle Control History (RoB)


Tester Display

Measurement Item

Diagnostic Note


Hybrid/EV Battery Pack Sensor Module Mismatch

History of incorrect type of battery voltage sensor being installed



Hybrid/EV Battery Cooling Performance Decrement

"Maintenance Required for Traction Battery Cooling Parts See Owner's Manual" is displayed on the multi-information display


If "Maintenance Required for Traction Battery Cooling Parts See Owner's Manual" is displayed on the multi-information display, check the following items:

  • Make sure the HV battery cooling system intake port is not blocked.
  • Make sure there are no gaps between the connecting parts of the ducts.
  • Clean the No. 1 HV battery intake filter

    Check for entry of foreign matter

  • Clear the DTCs to reset the learning values even if no DTCs are stored



DC/DC Converter Cooling Performance Decrement

History of the rotation command value necessary for the cooling being extremely high due to filter blockage


Check that there is no luggage blocking the cooling intake duct and the intake filter is not clogged with dust, and clean if required



Shift P Operation during Running

History of P position switch operation while driving


  • Do not shift to the P range while the vehicle is in motion
  • Move the shift lever to an appropriate driving range to resolve the issue



Shift Operation when Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low

History of shift position change attempted when battery voltage was low


The auxiliary battery should be checked and maintained regularly to keep it in good working condition



Consecutive Shift Change between Shift P and Other than Shift P in Short Times

History of shift state being attempted to be changed to and from P within a short period of time, or history of attempting to change the shift state from P to another position with the ignition switch ON while the vehicle is on a hill


Wait for a while and then attempt to change the shift state again, or try again after turning the ignition switch to ON (READY)



Shift Operation during Ready Indicator Blinking

History of attempt to change shift state from P with READY indicator light flashing


Perform a shift operation after the READY indicator light illuminates



Shift R/D/B(S) Operation during Ready OFF

History of attempt to change shift state to R, D or S with ignition switch ON and READY indicator not illuminated


Perform a shift operation with the READY indicator light illuminated



Shift Operation during Accelerator & Brake Depress

History of attempts to change shift state from P while engine running and accelerator and brake pedals depressed


Perform the shift operation while depressing only the brake pedal and not the accelerator pedal



Shift B(S) Operation from Shift Position R

History of shift state being changed to N when attempting to change to M directly from R


Change to shift state D first, and then to S



Shift D Operation during Backward Movement

History of attempt to change shift state to D while reversing


Change the shift state to D after the vehicle has stopped



Shift R Operation during Forward Movement

History of attempt to change shift state to R while driving forward


Change the shift state to R after the vehicle has stopped



Shift R/D Operation during Ready OFF

History of shift state being changed to neutral (N) due to shift lever being held in R or D with ignition switch ON


Move the shift lever to the P range to resolve the issue



Quick Shift Operation to Shift Position N during Running

History of shift state being changed to N while driving, without shift lever being held in N for a long enough time


  • Be careful not to unintentionally touch the shift lever
  • Do not hang objects on the shift lever



Shift N Change by Busy Shift

History of shift state being changed to N due to shift lever being repeatedly moved to R, D and/or N within a short period of time


Remove hand from shift lever after performing a shift operation



Shift N Operation on The Way Back to Home Position after Shift D/R Operation

History of shift state being changed to N when shift lever was returning from R or D


  • Remove hand from shift lever after performing a shift operation
  • Check for object hanging from shift lever, modifications to shift knob, foreign matter, etc.



Shift R Operation on The Way Back to Home Position after Shift D Operation

History of shift state being changed to R when shift lever was returning from D


Remove hand from shift lever after performing a shift operation



Shift D Operation on The Way Back to Home Position after Shift R Operation

History of shift state being changed to D when shift lever was returning from R


Remove hand from shift lever after performing a shift operation



Shift P Auto Change by Cruise Control

History of shift state being changed to P when the vehicle was stopped for a certain period of time during cruise control operation


During cruise control operation, when the vehicle will be stopped for a long period of time, temporarily turn off the cruise control



Shift Operation without Depressing Brake from Shift Position P

History of attempt to change shift state from P with brake pedal not depressed


Perform a shift operation while firmly depressing the brake pedal



Shift N Operation at Short Times during Low Speed/Stopping

History of attempt to change shift state to N by not holding shift lever in N for a long enough time while stopped or driving at a low speed


Hold the shift lever in N for a certain amount of time



Shift B(S) Operation from Shift Position P/N

History of attempt to change shift state from P or N to B (S)


Change to shift state D first, and then to B (S)



Shift N Operation during Running

History of shift state being changed to N by holding shift lever in N for a certain amount of time while driving


  • Be careful not to unintentionally touch the shift lever
  • Do not hang objects on the shift lever



Shift Operation to Except P Position during Hybrid/EV Battery Charging/Power Feeding

History of attempts to change shift state from park (P) to any other position when charging from external power source or supplying power to external power source


Disconnect the charging plug before performing a shift operation



Shift P Operation before Vehicle Stop

History of shift state not being changed to P when P position switch was operated before vehicle was stopped


Operate the P position switch after the vehicle has stopped



Shift P Operation during Other than Shift P Operation

History of P position switch and shift lever being operated simultaneously


Check that the shift lever is in the home position and then operate the P position switch



Auto Change to Shift Position P Cancel

History of P position automatic change function not operating


Operate the P position switch, confirm that the shift indicator has changed to P, then turn the ignition switch from ON (IG) to off again



Voltage Low for Shift Control System

History of shift control system not operating due to drop in power source voltage


The auxiliary battery should be checked and maintained regularly to keep it in good working condition



Shift Operation on Gradient during Ready OFF

History of attempt to change shift state from P with ignition switch ON (IG) and READY indicator light off while on an incline


Perform a shift operation from the READY ON state



Shift Operation during Advanced Drive/Park

History of shift lever operation while advanced park was operating


Be careful not to unintentionally touch the shift lever



Shift P Operation during Advanced Drive/Park

History of P position switch operation while advanced park was operating


Be careful not to unintentionally touch the P position switch



Auto Change to Shift Position P when Driver Get Out

History of door opened with the driver seatbelt unfastened and brake pedal not depressed while shift state is other than P


  • Make sure to change the shift state to P when exiting the vehicle
  • When intending to change to a shift state other than P when exiting the vehicle, operate the shift lever with the door opened



Shift Position N Hold Mode ON during IG OFF/ACC ON

History of ignition switch being turned off with the shift state N after a shift operation was performed


Operate the P position switch, then turn the ignition switch off after the shift state has changed to P



Parking Lock Control Relearning

Stores a history that P lock position learning failed when the ignition switch was turned to ON, and then the vehicle switched to learning judgment again


Check for malfunction in the Plock actuator control system



HV/EV System Start Up Failure by Very Low Temperature

History of Hybrid Control System failing to start due to extremely cold environment


Raising the temperature enough that the engine can start will resolve the issue



HV/EV System Start Up Failure by Immobiliser Unmatch

History of Hybrid Control System failing to start due to Immobiliser System key verification failure


Use the correct vehicle key



Ready ON Failure by Shift Operation

History of the ignition switch not being turned to ON (READY) due to a shift operation


  • Keep the shift state in P until the startup process is complete
  • Move the shift lever to P and turn the ignition switch to ON (READY) again



Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low (HV/EV)

History of drop in hybrid vehicle control ECU power source voltage (below 9.5 V)


Keep the ignition switch ON (READY) to charge the auxiliary battery



Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low (Inverter)

History of drop in motor generator control ECU (MG ECU) power source voltage (8.0 V or less)


Keep the ignition switch ON (READY) to charge the auxiliary battery



Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low (Hybrid/EV Battery)

History of a drop in battery ECU assembly power source voltage (below 8.0 V)


Keep the ignition switch ON (READY) to charge the auxiliary battery



HV/EV System Stop Operation during Running

History of Hybrid Control System being turned off by pressing ignition switch while vehicle being driven (when the vehicle speed is 3 km/h (2 mph) or more)



Generator Temperature High

History of extremely high generator (MG1) temperature and hybrid system overheated warning message being displayed


  • Avoid driving at high load
  • Stopping the vehicle and waiting for the generator temperature to decrease will resolve the issue



Generator Inverter Temperature High

History of extremely high generator (MG1) inverter temperature and hybrid system overheated warning message being displayed


  • Avoid driving at high load
  • Stopping the vehicle and waiting for the generator inverter temperature to decrease will resolve the issue



Motor Temperature High

History of extremely high motor (MG2) temperature and hybrid system overheated warning message being displayed


  • Avoid driving at high load
  • Stopping the vehicle and waiting for the motor temperature to decrease will resolve the issue



Motor Inverter Temperature High

History of extremely high motor (MG2) inverter temperature and hybrid system overheated warning message being displayed


  • Avoid driving at high load
  • Stopping the vehicle and waiting for the motor inverter temperature to decrease will resolve the issue



Rear Motor Temperature High

History of extremely high rear motor (MGR) temperature and hybrid system overheated warning message being displayed


  • Avoid driving at high load
  • Stopping the vehicle and waiting for the rear motor temperature to decrease will resolve the issue



Rear Motor Inverter Temperature High

History of extremely high rear motor (MGR) inverter temperature and hybrid system overheated warning message being displayed


  • Avoid driving at high load
  • Stopping the vehicle and waiting for the rear motor inverter temperature to decrease will resolve the issue



Boosting Converter Temperature High

History of extremely high boost converter temperature and hybrid system overheated warning message being displayed


Stopping the vehicle and waiting for the boost converter temperature to decrease will resolve the Win/Wout restriction



Staying Prevention Control

History of operation of retention prevention function



Hybrid/EV Battery Protection in Neutral Shift Position

History of HV battery discharge warning message being displayed when vehicle left with shift lever in N


  • Do not leave the vehicle with the shift state in N
  • Shift to a position other than N



HV/EV Coolant Temperature High

History of extremely high coolant (for inverter) temperature (65°C (149°F) or more)


  • Avoid driving at high load
  • Wait for the HV coolant temperature to decrease



Hybrid/EV Battery Voltage Low

History of Hybrid Control System starting failure due to low HV battery voltage


Charge the battery using the THS charger or plug-in charging (PHEV only)



HV/EV System Start Up Failure by Hybrid/EV Battery Unmatch

History of Hybrid Control System starting failure due to an inappropriate HV battery


  • Do not make modifications to the vehicle or battery
  • When the software reflects a genuine battery, the startup prohibition will be resolved



Shift R Operation during Forward Movement or Shift D/B Operation during Backward Movement

History of shift lever being moved to R while vehicle moving forward or shift lever being moved to D or S while vehicle moving backward



Shift Position Uncertain

Shift position cannot be determined


  • Do not hold the shift lever at an intermediate position
  • Move the shift lever to an appropriate driving range



Engine Malfunction (Poor Engine Power)

History of vehicle state during engine malfunction (poor engine power)

(This information can be helpful for performing troubleshooting.)


Stored when the ECM stores an SFI System DTC.

Make sure to clear Vehicle Control History after performing troubleshooting related to this item.

As all Vehicle Control History should be cleared after performing troubleshooting related this item, make sure to check any other output Vehicle Control History items and perform any troubleshooting for them before clearing Vehicle Control History.



Engine Malfunction (Engine does not Start)

History of vehicle state during engine malfunction (engine does not start)

(This information can be helpful for performing troubleshooting.)


Stored when the ECM stores an SFI System DTC.

Make sure to clear Vehicle Control History after performing troubleshooting related to this item.

As all Vehicle Control History should be cleared after performing troubleshooting related this item, make sure to check any other output Vehicle Control History items and perform any troubleshooting for them before clearing Vehicle Control History.



Engine Malfunction (Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal)

History of vehicle state during engine malfunction (abnormal crankshaft position sensor signal)

(This information can be helpful for performing troubleshooting.)


Stored when the ECM stores an SFI System DTC.

Make sure to clear Vehicle Control History after performing troubleshooting related to this item.

As all Vehicle Control History should be cleared after performing troubleshooting related to this item, make sure to check any other output Vehicle Control History items and perform any troubleshooting for them before clearing Vehicle Control History.



Engine Malfunction (GO Signal)

History of vehicle state during engine malfunction (GO signal)

(This information can be helpful for performing troubleshooting.)


Stored when the ECM stores an SFI System DTC.

Make sure to clear Vehicle Control History after performing troubleshooting related to this item.

As all Vehicle Control History should be cleared after performing troubleshooting related to this item, make sure to check any other output Vehicle Control History items and perform any troubleshooting for them before clearing Vehicle Control History.



Engine Malfunction (Component Malfunction)

History of vehicle state during engine malfunction (engine component malfunction)

(This information can be helpful for performing troubleshooting.)


Stored when the ECM stores an SFI System DTC.

Make sure to clear Vehicle Control History after performing troubleshooting related to this item.

As all Vehicle Control History should be cleared after performing troubleshooting related to this item, make sure to check any other output Vehicle Control History items and perform any troubleshooting for them before clearing Vehicle Control History.



Driver Exited Vehicle when Shift Position Wasn't P

History of vehicle speed exceeding threshold after driver left vehicle with shift lever in any position other than P


Make sure to change the shift state to P when exiting the vehicle



Accelerator Depress when Shift P Position during Ready ON

History of accelerator pedal depressed when shift lever in P and ignition switch ON (READY)


When driving the vehicle, be sure to shift to an appropriate driving range



Shift P Repeated Operation during Running

History of P position switch being operated repeatedly while driving


Be careful not to touch the P position switch unintentionally



Shift P Hold Down during Running

History of P position switch being pressed and held while driving


Be careful not to touch the P position switch unintentionally



Parking Lock Release by Manual Operation

Stores a history of the parking lock being released using the forced parking lock release mechanism during servicing


Operate the P position switch, check that the shift state temporarily switches to park (P) on the shift indicator and then move the shift lever once more



Shift P Operation when Auxiliary Battery Low Voltage

History of attempt to change shift state to P with auxiliary battery depleted


The auxiliary battery should be checked and maintained regularly to keep it in good working condition



Shift Operation NG by Parking Lock Control Relearning during Cranking

History of attempt to change shift state from park (P) to a position other than P during cranking


Be careful to perform shift operations after the engine has started



Limit to Charge / Discharge Control Value by Hybrid/EV Battery Temperature High

History of HV battery charge/discharge being restricted

If the temperature of the HV battery becomes approximately 44°C (111.2°F) or higher due to high ambient temperature, high cabin temperature, continuous driving under high load (such as mountain driving or frequent acceleration/deceleration), clogged HV battery intake duct, etc., the HV battery current will be restricted


In this case the value of WIN/WOUT will decrease and the engine will stop and start less frequently

  • Check the intake port of the HV battery cooling system for blockage, such as luggage, etc.
  • This Vehicle Control History item may be stored if the temperature of the HV battery became high due to certain conditions, such as if the ambient temperature was high, cabin temperature was high or the vehicle was driven continuously under high load (such as mountain driving or frequent acceleration/deceleration)

    Explain to the customer that this is not a malfunction



Limit to Charge / Discharge Control Value by Hybrid/EV Battery

History of HV battery charge/discharge being restricted

If the temperature of the HV battery becomes approximately 44°C (111.2°F) or higher due to high ambient temperature, high cabin temperature, continuous driving under high load (such as mountain driving or frequent acceleration/deceleration), clogged HV battery intake duct, etc., the HV battery current will be restricted


  • Check the intake port of the HV battery cooling system for blockage, such as luggage, etc.
  • This Vehicle Control History item may be stored if the temperature of the HV battery became high due to certain conditions, such as if the ambient temperature was high, cabin temperature was high or the vehicle was driven continuously under high load (such as mountain driving or frequent acceleration/deceleration)

    Explain to the customer that this is not a malfunction



Charge Canceled (Hybrid/EV Battery WIN Low)

History of plug-in charge being canceled due to HV battery



Charge Canceled (Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low)

History of plug-in charge being canceled due to auxiliary battery



Charge Canceled (Charging System)

History of plug-in charge being canceled due to charging system



Charging Finished Early

History of plug-in charge being completed earlier than set time



Charge Canceled (Charging Time Overrun)

History of plug-in charge not being completed by set time



Ready ON Operation when Charging Connector Connected

History of ignition switch being turned ON (READY) with charging connector connected



Driving Force Suppression when Charging Connector Connected

History of driving force being cut by connecting charging connector



Hybrid/EV Battery SOC Low

For electric vehicle, history of the HV battery capacity SOC becoming discharged, causing the system to stop



Shift Operation during Release Shift P Prohibition Request

Stores a history of attempts to change the shift state from park (P) to a state other than park (P) during release shift P restriction request (during power supply/charging/refueling)


Make sure not to unintentionally touch the shift lever



AC Interior Power Feeding End History

History of AC power supply to the vehicle interior being ended



Shift D/R Operation Rejection from Shift Position N without Depressing Brake Pedal

History of attempt to change shift state from N to D or R with brake pedal not depressed


Perform the shift operation while depressing only the brake pedal and not the accelerator pedal



Shift D/R Operation Rejection from Shift Position N during Accelerator Pedal Depress

History of attempt to change shift state from N to D or R with accelerator pedal depressed


Perform the shift operation while depressing only the brake pedal and not the accelerator pedal



FCDC Control Module Malfunction History

History of a DTC occurred in the FCDC converter control ECU and a fail-safe performed



Hybrid/EV Battery Control Module Malfunction History

History of a DTC occurred in the battery ECU assembly and a fail-safe performed



Fuel Cell Control Module Malfunction History

History of a DTC occurred in the FC control ECU and a fail-safe performed



Hydrogen Filling Control Module Malfunction History

History of a DTC occurred in the hydrogen control ECU assembly and a fail-safe performed



Shift Change to Other than Shift Position N Request

History of a request being displayed on the multi-information display to shift to a position other than N



Redoing Ready ON Request

History of the READY state being turned off and a request being displayed on the multi-information display to shift to P and turn the ignition switch to ON (READY) again



N Lock Activation

Indicates that shift lock operated when the vehicle was stopped and the shift lever was in N for a certain amount of time



Target Driving Force Not Reached

Stored when extremely low temperature has caused charge/discharge power to be temporarily restricted, or FC stack generation amount has been restricted



Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low at Start

History of low auxiliary battery voltage at Hybrid Control System start


  • Disconnect the battery terminal during long-term parking
  • Remove aftermarket devices which operate while the vehicle is parked and consume electrical power
  • Avoid short trips
  • Turn off unneeded electrical equipment when driving



Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low at IG OFF

History of low auxiliary battery voltage when ignition switch off


  • Disconnect the battery terminal during long-term parking
  • Remove aftermarket devices which operate while the vehicle is parked and consume electrical power
  • Avoid short trips
  • Turn off unneeded electrical equipment when driving



Auxiliary Battery Discharge at IG OFF

History of auxiliary battery becoming discharged when ignition switch off


Remove aftermarket devices which operate while the vehicle is parked and consume electrical power



Auxiliary Battery Discharge at Running

History of auxiliary battery becoming discharged while vehicle being driven


Turn off unneeded electrical equipment when driving



Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low during Running

Auxiliary battery voltage drop that causes charging warning light to illuminate while driving vehicle is detected


  • Turn off unneeded electrical equipment when driving
  • Equivalent to work procedures when charging light illuminated



Auxiliary Battery Voltage High during Running

Auxiliary voltage boost that causes charging warning light to illuminate while driving vehicle is detected


Equivalent to work procedures when charging light illuminated



Auxiliary Battery Charging Control after Shipping

Charging control from HV battery to auxiliary battery is detected after shipping


While the vehicle is parked after shipping, after 12 hours elapse from the time the certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly) detects that shipping is complete, the system detects that charging control is performed from the HV battery to the auxiliary battery and charging control has been completed.



Suspension Specification Information Learning Incomplete

Learning has not been performed to change the vehicle specification information stored in the hybrid vehicle control ECU


  • After replacing the hybrid vehicle control ECU, perform vehicle specification information procedure
  • If not performed, a warning message is displayed on the combination meter assembly, vehicle control history (RoB) is simultaneously stored, and "Incomplete" is displayed for Data List item "Suspension Control Module Specification Information"



Clearance Warning Specification Information Learning Incomplete

Learning has not been performed to change the vehicle specification information stored in the shift control ECU


  • After replacing the shift control ECU, perform vehicle specification information procedure
  • If not performed, a warning message is displayed on the combination meter assembly, vehicle control history (RoB) is simultaneously stored, and "Incomplete" is displayed for Data List item "Advanced Park Available Specification Information"



Remote Air Conditioner Inactive

History of the pre-air conditioning unable to start, pre-air conditioning stopped while running, idling retention stopped after pre-air conditioning, and the SMR connection unable to be performed due to no DCR diagnosis



Hydrogen Filling Abort

While filling at a hydrogen station, the hydrogen tank internal temperature or internal pressure increased, or the amount of filled hydrogen gas exceeded the specified tank capacity



FC Output Limit

History stored in the following conditions:

  1. FC stack outlet coolant temperature increased (continuous uphill climb, etc. under high ambient temperature)
  2. Hydrogen system pressure decreased
  3. Vehicle continued traveling after the low fuel level warning light has come on



FC System Start/Stop Failure

High voltage system/FC system start/stop process exceeds the specified time



FC System Start Up at Very Low Temperature

History stored in the following conditions:

  1. FC system was unable to start at an ambient temperature of below 0°C, due to frozen components
  2. Extended time delay after performing READY ON operation (turn the ignition switch to ON while stepping on the brake pedal) until the READY light changes from blinking to illuminated when at ambient temperature of below 0°C, due to frozen components



FC System Lack of Scavenging

Scavenging process terminated abnormally



Gap in FC System Power Input/Output

History stored in the following conditions:

  1. The EV supply battery assembly level is low or is fully charged
  2. EV supply battery assembly output is high or charge amount is large



Vibration Detection during IG OFF

History of the vehicle stopped due to vibration caused by a collision when the ignition switch is off



Hydrogen Empty Low Level

Vehicle continued traveling until the FC system stopped even after the low fuel level warning light has come on



ECU Security Key Not Registered

ECU security key not updated


Make sure to perform Update ECU Security Key after replacing the transmission floor shift assembly (shift control ECU)



ECU Security Key Not Registered (Gear Shift Control Module)

Update of the ECU security key stored in the shift control ECU has not been performed


Make sure to perform Update ECU Security Key after replacing the shift control ECU



(a) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Hybrid Control / Utility / Vehicle Control History (Clear).


By performing this procedure, all stored Vehicle Control History items will be cleared.



A part of the control history can be confirmed using the Vehicle Control History.

Click here


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    DESCRIPTION If the hybrid vehicle control ECU receives a signal from the skid control ECU that the AWD system is malfunctioning, the hybrid vehicle control ECU outputs this DTC. DTC No. Detec

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    DESCRIPTION The stop light switch assembly is a duplex system that transmits two signals: STP and ST1-. These two signals are used by the hybrid vehicle control ECU to monitor whether or not the brake

     System Voltage (BATT) Circuit Short to Ground or Open (P056014)

    DESCRIPTION Auxiliary battery power is supplied to the BATT terminal of the hybrid vehicle control ECU in order to store DTCs and freeze frame data. Even if the ignition switch is turned off, back-up


     Hybrid/EV Battery Positive Contactor Circuit Stuck Closed (P0AA000)

    DTC SUMMARY MALFUNCTION DESCRIPTION The hybrid vehicle control ECU detects a stuck closed malfunction of a system main relay on the HV battery positive (+) terminal side. The cause of this malfunction may be one of the following: Inverter voltage sensor (VH) internal circuit malfunction Vo



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