Toyota Corolla Cross Owners & Service Manuals

Toyota Corolla Cross: Operation Check



(a) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(b) Turn the parking support brake system off and confirm that the PKSB OFF indicator light in the combination meter illuminates.


If the parking support brake system is not set to off in the customize settings, the parking support brake system will operate when the ignition switch is turned to ON.


(a) Parking support brake system detection distance

  • The ultrasonic sensors (front/rear center sensor) can detect objects up to a distance of approximately 4.0 m (13.124 ft.). However, the detection distance varies depending on the shape of the object.


    The detection range shown in the illustration is for when detecting an object that is 2.0 m (6.562 ft.) wide, 1.0 m (3.281 ft.) tall and is perpendicular to the ground.

  • If the front/rear sensors and left/right sensors do not simultaneously detect an object, the parking support brake function does not operate.


Even if the parking support brake system detects an object, the system may not operate depending on the vehicle conditions.


     Customize Parameters

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